Here's a little more about what we do...

Essential Oils

Did you know you can use essential oils for hundreds of solutions? It’s true! We use them to support our family’s health from head to toe, inside and out. From cleaning our homes, to helping support emotions, to cuts and scrapes and even things that would surprise you! We can teach you how to do the same!

We want to give you the chance to experience them for yourself. Best thing is, there is no cost to you.

Just get on the phone with us for a quick 10 minute call! 


Team TrainingTraining 

Continuing Education is what sets our company apart from others. We believe in ongoing education so you can live your life full of energy, awareness, joy and vitality! Our members only community provides ongoing education delivered to you LIVE weekly.

Yes! Some of the top leaders in our organization have banded together to bring you the most helpful, practical and in depth classes in a way that is easy to understand and FUN!! Did you get that memo? We are pretty fun 😉

We refer to ourselves as TEAM POWER! So if you hear us reference ourselves as that, you know what we are talking about! 

Spiritual Development

Incorporating dōTERRA essential oils into your spiritual life enhances everything you do for your practice. The oils help you ground faster, open wider, see deeper, heal your heart, protect yourself, align your chakras & so much more! 

Elena always says no one NEEDS any spiritual tools. We have all the energy we need right inside us. But spiritual tools help so much! And God put them on this Earth to help us because being on this planet is hard! So why not take all the help we are offered & use all the tools as they resonate with us? That’s why she uses her essential oils, crystals, sage & Angel Cards daily…because they help immensely. And we know they will help you too! 

Also, if you own a spiritual business already, incorporating dōTERRA essential oils in will grow your business in leaps & bounds! Your clients will love you even more after they start having their own powerful experiences. Liz & Elena saw that happen very quickly in the beginning of their dōTERRA journey & they love guiding other business owners to do the same. They are happy to share their story of success with you anytime. 

Empowering Others

We don’t just throw around the term “Empowerment”. We mean it in all senses. It is part of our heart’s mission to help empower others in living a more balanced and natural lifestyle.

We also develop leaders all over the world. You see, Empowering people doesn’t just begin and end with helping you. It means paying it forward, helping people learn to take care of themselves and each other.

Mind, Body & Spirit!

We can help empower people in many ways. We help people learn how to run their businesses with heart and purpose. We use the work of personal development and leadership to help each other stay inspired.


Life is so full when we lead from the heart!

Lean more today! Let’s chat!

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