Feminine Hygiene & Essential Oils

Just a little help from our friend

Joy when it comes to sensitive female parts . . .

Joy wrote to us after her amazing experience with our DoTERRA Facial Wash!

Read on and be wowed!

I’ll make a confession I tried it this way and I completely agree!

“I have to share my discovery to all of those with genitals: I have a SUPER sensitive labia and vagina… if I even look at soap the wrong way it upsets my pH balance and throws my vagina into a stupor.

So I was cleaning my face in the shower with the DoTerra face cleanser and decided to try it on my labia and the forever sweating creases of my thighs.

It Has Been Amazing!

No upset at all and actually quite the opposite: lots of calming and comfort!!!!

I had been making suppositories with melaleuca and lavender and they’re great for a flare up. So I figured the face cleanser has melaleuca and peppermint.. seems quite perfect…and it was!!!!!

Now I use it daily in two places! I’m sure it would work the same on all genitals!