Kids  & Sleep

When it comes to sleep there is a lot of chatter about what methods work.

When it comes to sleep there is a lot of chatter about what methods work. What you “should” do and what you “shouldn’t” do. It is pretty overwhelming when you are simply looking to follow your intuition and find what works for your kids. We are not here to tell you what is right or wrong. We will just share with you what has worked in our house.

We have moved through different sleep issues when it comes to our kids from birth to now. We have two young boys. A seven-year-old and a five-year-old. They keep us on our toes and are the light of our world! Our older son slept perfectly as an infant. In fact he slept so soundly as a baby I had to wake him up every so often to make sure he was okay! (Fellow Moms with anxiety you feel me on this!) Then along came number two! We were not prepared for the sleep challenges he had. We were on the struggle bus!

We tried many different things that did not work until we started learning about what one of our friends was doing for her baby. She told me she was using her dōTERRA Lavender for her fussy baby. We are going back some time now, but I remember thinking “there is no way this is going to work us!” I figured I would try it anyway since I had the oil and I had a diffuser. That night I set the diffuser up in our room. I used 2 drops of lavender.

To my shock, the first time we diffused it he slept the longest he had ever slept! We started to diffuse it regularly in our bedroom at night and during nap times. I even put drops of lavender on my baby carrier since baby wearing was the only way to get anything done! I was pretty amazed so I started exploring other essential oils for sleep.

Here are our favorites:

  • Serenity (the restful blend)
  • Lavender (great for calming and soothing)
  • Balance (the grounding blend)
  • Juniper Berry (love this one for bad dreams)
  • Frankincense (when in doubt get the Frankincense out!
  • Cedarwood (calming, woody notes)
  • Wild Orange (uplifting and calming)
  • Vetiver (our grown up go-to, try diffusing this with Wild Orange)

Over the years the boys have experienced different things that prevented them from getting a good nights sleep. Bad dreams, growing pains and anxious feelings. We have been able to support each of these separate issues with our essential oils. They even have their very own Kids Kit which they refer to as “Their oils”. We love that they know what each of the oils in their kit is for and they are specially formulated to support their little bodies.

Whether you are just starting out as a brand new parent or you yourself are in need of some sleep, these are some solutions that have helped us get on track in a gentle and safe way. If you need help figuring out how to use essential oils or you do not know where to begin, register for a free introductory class. If you want to try a sample of CPTG Essential Oils contact us and we will be happy to get one to you at no cost!

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