A Simple and Powerful Produce Wash

A Simple & Powerful Produce Wash Washing your fruits and veggies is a good idea. Probably a great idea actually!  I did not always think it was important to do anything more that to simply rinse them. As my awareness grew, the need for ways to simplify and sift...

Natural Peppermint Patties

Easy, Healthy & Homemade Peppermint Patties If you like peppermint and chocolate, these are going to knock your socks off! Forget all the crap you can buy in the store! If you’re looking for a sweet treat, these are a great option with ingredients that are...

Baked On Guard Apples

Baked On Guard Apples I made this recipe… now you know it’s Liz when we are talking about cooking! I tried out my friend Rachel’s recipe that she shared and it came out awesome! I did make a few changes based on the ingredients I had on hand. It’s so good...